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Lift yourself by yourself

Indore Management Association Student Chapter organized a Webinar on the topic “Lift yourself by yourself” on Friday, June 26, 2020 at 5:00 PM. Speaker for the session was Mr. Mridul Dadhich, International Fame Orator, Co founder, NGO “Prarambh” & Author of “Beyond the Textbook”.
Lift yourself , By yourself and in return lift the society. In the absence of alternatives, determination is accomplished. When you rely on your own intellect and wisdom, you are bound to achieve success. There are no godfathers and even if they exist don’t go in search of them, use your own sword of hardwork and achive your goal. Quality of painting is the responsibility of painter, Quality of teaching is the responsibility of teacher, Your life is your responsibility. No blame game is allowed.
When you are aware that your life is the product of your own thought , emotions and actions. Than You take complete responsibility and accountability of your own thoughts, emotions and actions. And you also direct complete energy of yours in direction of your goal.
Shri Krishna stated in Bhagwat gita – You are the cause of your own upliftment so lift yourself , by yourself.
In order to uplift yourself you have to direct your likes and dislikes towards your goal otherwise your goals will be directed towards your likes and dislikes.
You need to carefully analyze and improve your daily routine. Whatever you will do in present will lead to your future so craft your present with full of joy, enthusiasm and purpose and you will automatically achieve what u always wanted to achieve.